
Tristan Greenhagen - Portfolio

Hi, my name is Tristan. I am profficient in the languages Python, Java, and C#. I have made several games using the Unity game engine with C#, I have completed projects for data management and physics simulation in Python, and I have created several Minecraft Plugins with Java. In addition to this experience I have also made a few websites using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

2D Pygame Physics Engine

This is a 2D phyiscs engine that I wrote in python, it includes 2D box colliders, and some simple rigidbody physics including grabbing, and moving objects.


GunsMC - Minecraft Plugin

This is a Minecraft Paper server plugin written in java that adds a /gun command that allows the player to get a custom hoe item that allows the player to attack entities from 50 blocks away.


Particle Renderer - Minecraft Plugin

This is a Minecraft Paper server plugin that adds some commands for drawing different shapes out of particles, using the added /draw command, this can be used in other projects by extracting the renderer.jar file.


WebChat - Website Messaging

This is a website messaging service written in HTML, JS and CSS with a python backend.


MCLOL - Minecraft Server

This is a Minecraft server with a fully implemented magic system, that includes wands and spells.


Physics Engine 3.0

This is my third PyGame-Based physics engine, which has collisions, an options menu, and interactivity with physics objects.



Ancient Greece - Modern Mathematics Project